Just like the article, “Why Use and Eportfolio?” explains that “grades simply do not reveal skills,” the same can be said of a teacher’s skills in the classroom. I love the idea of an ePortfolio as a place that can showcase my work, my thoughts, and provide some insight into who I am as a teacher. If we believe that our students are more than just a standardized test score, then aren’t we as teachers more than the sum of standardized test scores? The ePortfolio provides a more in-depth look at who I am and what I value in the classroom. The COVA approach doesn’t just sound good in theory, but an ePortfolio allows us to show what the COVA approach looks like in practice.
As I read through these articles, I gained a clearer understanding of the different aspects that the ePortfolio offers for me to showcase to others, but also I can visually see my own transformation. Through the ePortfolio, I can explain and show examples of how I’ve groan in my own perceptions and actions. I’m not the same teacher I was five years ago. I also hope that five years from now, I’m not the same teacher I am today. Through my new understanding of growth mindset and the COVA approach, my goals have changed in what I want my classroom culture to be and how I plan to achieve that culture. I’m excited to use the ePortfolio as a tool as I continue through the program and change my approach as a teacher.
Harapnuik, D. (2015). Eportfolio. Retrieved from http://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=5973
Harapnuik, D. (2015). Making meaningful connections in an eportfolio. Retrieved from http://www.harapnuik.org/?p=5790
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