I loved getting a chance to look at everyone’s Eportfolio. We’ve spent so much time in discussions in the classes throughout this program that it was great to put a “feel” to each others’ personalities through the layout and designs of Eportfolios. When I first started building mine in Google Sites, I was a little disappointed because I felt like there weren’t very many options for themes. But as I started picking and choosing my own pictures and layout, I felt like I put my own stamp on it. After looking at some of my classmates, each one had a completely different personality to it. It really showcased the COVA approach and how we all seem to find our voice through the blogs and posts. Even though we had the same assignments, none of ours look remotely the same. They are not any copies of each other, which inspires me to want to do the same for my students in my classroom. I feel like students can use this as a creative outlet as well as a place to show their growth as well as contin...